
Church History and World History in Perspective

The Jewish Temple on Mount Zion: Location and History

by Dr. Ernest L. Martin 1994


Tidbits of 1st Century Christian History Preserved in the Babylonian Talmud and their Relationship to St. Simeon the Righteous

by Dr. Seraphim Steger


Pliny the Younger’s Correspondence with the Emperor Trajan Concerning the Christians c. AD 113

In his official capacity Pliny wrote to the Emperorn Trajan asking his advice about how to deal with the Christians.


The Apology of Aristides:  A Description of Christianity in the Early Second Century

Aristides the Athenian (2nd Century AD), was a philosopher who wrote an Apology on Christianity for the Roman Emperor Hadrian (ruled AD 17 - AD 138).  The Apology was delivered to the Emperor Antonio Pius in the year AD 140


Letter to Diognetus on the Distinctiveness of Christians c. AD 150-225

The author is unknown but the letter is considered to be "the noblest of early Christian writings"


Chronology of the Eastern Roman Empire from AD 330-1453

A timeline of major events


Emperor Constantine the Great’s Visions of the Holy Cross in the Heavens Three Times

Homily for September 14 on the Elevation of the Precious and Life-giving Cross of the Lord“ by St. Demetrius of Rostov


Appearance of the Cross over Mt Hymettus on the Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross September 14, 1925 according to the Julian Calendar

A Divine Confirmation of the Julian (Church) Calendar


Tome of Pope Leo the Great Corrected by St. Peter the Apostle

He is most remembered theologically for issuing the Tome of Leo, a document that was foundational to the debates of the 4th Ecumenical Council in Chalcedon


Pope Leo and Attila the Hun

Pope Leo met Attila the Hun in AD 452 and persuad him to turn back from his invasion of Italy


Tampering with the AD 589 Acts of Toledo and the Filioque

by Hieromonk Enoch


The Siege of Byzantium AD 717-781

By Raymond Ibrahim

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History of Primitive Orthodox Christianity in China

According to Marco Polo (c. AD 1254-1324)


Introduction of the New Calendar into the Various Local Orthodox Churches

by Dr. Vladimir Moss


Homily by Hiermonk John Maximovich upon his Election as Bishop of Shanghai, 1934

Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men” (Matthew 4:19)


Metropolitan Chrysostomos (Kiousis) of Thessalonica (1920-2010): A Remembrance

by Fr. Savvas Anastasiou


History of Russia Leading Up To and Including World War I

from Notes From the Underground


History of the Russian Church Inside and Outside of Russia in the 20th and 21st Century, Focusing on the Problems with the Sergianist Church and the Current Moscow Patriarchate

by Metropolitan Agafangel


Are the Writings of St. Dionysius the Areopagite Auithentic? Yes! Yes! Yes!

by Hieromonk Enoch
